Please read Terms of Service before ordering.

>important info

  • Payment Paypal/Card via hipolink/boosty

  • Deadline 2 month (read ToS)

  • No refund (read ToS)

✧ Halfbody - 130$

  • + second character - 100$

The set includes a detailed halfbody and a detailed background of your choice.
Canvas size is usually 3000x2500.

✧ Fullbody - 170$

  • + second character - 150$

The set includes a detailed fullbody and a detailed background of your choice.
Canvas size is usually 3500x2000.

✧ Design - +200$

  • custom design - fix 200$ (fulbody only)

  • + headshot - 50$

  • + chibi - 30$

The starter set includes a detailed fullbody and a simple background.
Canvas size is usually 4000x2300.